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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 76 Vacating parts of certain streets Special
Ord. 75 Minimum width of streets Repealed by 221
Ord. 74 Annual appropriation Special
Ord. 73 Lease of part of city levee Repealed by 83
Ord. 72 Fixing time for removal of stumps Repealed by 83
Ord. 71 Authorizing committee to borrow money Special
Ord. 70 Additional appropriation for engine house Special
Ord. 69 Appropriation for engine house Special
Ord. 68 Change time of completion of work on Main Street Special
Ord. 67 Time, manner and cost of grading Main Street Special
Ord. 66 Grades and lines of streets Repealed by 1630
Ord. 65 Ferry franchise (Special--Expired) Codified
Ord. 64 Fixing grade of Main Street Repealed by 1630
Ord. 63 Annual appropriation Special
Ord. 62 Duties of city sexton Repealed by 155 and 509
Ord. 61 Water franchise Special
Ord. 60 Annual appropriation Special
Ord. 59 Amending Ord. 13 Repealed by 495
Ord. 58 Lease of city wharf and levee to railroad company Special
Ord. 57 Fees and compensation for city collector for 1870 Repealed by 491
Ord. 56 Annual tax Special
Ord. 55 Appropriation for year Special
Ord. 54 Time and manner of annual assessment Repealed by 491
Ord. 53 Authorizing committee to borrow money Special
Ord. 52 Lease of part of city levee Special